Python Scrapy 爬虫框架

1. Scrapy 相关细节

  • 安装scrapy框架
    • pip install scrapy -i
  • 创建scrapy爬虫
    • 进入项目文件夹
      • cd project_name/project_name/spiders
    • 运行命令
      • scrapy startproject project_name url
      • D:\Practice\Python\Scrapy_20230226\scrapy_carhome\scrapy_carhome\spiders> scrapy genspider car
  • 运行爬虫
    • 进入当前爬虫所在文件夹
      • scrapy crawl spider_name
      • D:\Practice\Python\Scrapy_20230226\scrapy_carhome\scrapy_carhome\spiders> scrapy crawl car




2. Scrapy 数据流程

  1. 引擎得到来自于Spider的url请求
  2. 引擎调用调度器将待爬取url放入列队中
  3. 调度器返回请求给引擎
  4. 引擎发送请求给下载器
  5. 下载器获取互联网资源, 获取数据后返回给引擎
  6. 引擎收到来自下载器的响应, 将其发送给Spider, 以进行处理
  7. Spider返回处理过的数据给引擎(同时也发送下一个新的URL给引擎)
  8. 引擎发送处理过的数据给Pipelines, 以保存数据
  9. 重复第三步之后的步骤, 直到没有新的任务



The data flow in Scrapy is controlled by the execution engine, and goes like this:

  1. The Engine gets the initial Requests to crawl from the Spider.
  2. The Engine schedules the Requests in the Scheduler and asks for the next Requests to crawl.
  3. The Scheduler returns the next Requests to the Engine.
  4. The Engine sends the Requests to the Downloader, passing through the Downloader Middlewares (see process_request()).
  5. Once the page finishes downloading the Downloader generates a Response (with that page) and sends it to the Engine, passing through the Downloader Middlewares (see process_response()).
  6. The Engine receives the Response from the Downloader and sends it to the Spider for processing, passing through the Spider Middleware (see process_spider_input()).
  7. The Spider processes the Response and returns scraped items and new Requests (to follow) to the Engine, passing through the Spider Middleware (see process_spider_output()).
  8. The Engine sends processed items to Item Pipelines, then send processed Requests to the Scheduler and asks for possible next Requests to crawl.
  9. The process repeats (from step 3) until there are no more requests from the Scheduler.







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